Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Update 9th November - Life Cover – Protect what matters most

Who knows what will happen next in our lives!
We always hope it will be something good, but nothing is certain in life. Fortunately, it’s possible to protect yourself from some of the financial uncertainties that come with unexpected events in your life.

Sudden or untimely death is not as rare as you think

·         Approximately 10,000 people die each year from cardiovascular disease including coronary heart disease and stroke. It’s the most common cause of death in Ireland, accounting for 36% of all deaths**.

·         One in three people in Ireland will develop cancer during their lifetime, and an average of 30,000 cases of cancer are diagnosed each year. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in Ireland, and accounts for over one quarter of the annual death toll.*
                *, January 2014
                ** Irish Heart Foundation, January 2014

The unfortunate reality is that when you die, taxes, bills, mortgages, loans, education and grocery bills don’t stop and life must go on for your loved ones.

Affordable Peace of Mind
Life Cover is a lot more affordable, flexible and accessible get than you might think. You simply choose the level of cover that fits you and your family’s needs and the level of payments you can afford to make. You choose the length of time you want the cover to last and the amount of the lump sum that your family would receive if you were to die while the cover was in place.

Sample Life Cover Quote (subject to normal underwriting conditions)
€19.41 per month (approx. 64c per day)
20 year term
€200,000 Total Life Cover
Cover for one person, non-smoker, age 37
 Very little money for complete peace of mind!

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